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Our Family's Individual Journeys

Sweet greetings friends and family! I'm Matt, a Simple Solution Seeker Permaculture Practitioner Handyman, creator and steward of the Homestead Sanctuary, proud poppa of a gem daughter and son who are off exploring themselves in this wild world, independent and awake, capable and kind. I'm a humbled penitent veteran for global love and peace. Love to share a touch of my story, why the Homestead Sanctuary exists, what fuels my fire with you, in hopes to playfully inspire you to be free, wild, who you are meant to be, fully vibrant, awake and alive, on purpose, creating a loving heaven on earth, here now, with your own special zing only you can do!!!

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Ry and Gidster
Super Besties
Mija Ryanne
Grandpa Giddit
Tough lil troopers
Bonding in Nature
Ryanne all growed up
Off to Japan
Soaking in precious moments
Berfdey shenanigans!

My Awakenings...

* Retail Consumer Box: 
About 8 years ago, feels like many lifetimes ago, one day out of the thousands I was stocking the freezer. I projected out of my body looking down at myself, I was the size of an ant doing the exact same work an ant does.  Moving mountains. Day after day after day. Adding to that image, watching countless heaping shopping carts wheeling out with things invented for those who have everything. The amount of perfect or slightly flawed merchandise mindlessly tossed into a trash compactor would blow your mind and break your heart, it did mine.  Seeing it from the perspective 16 years more or less mindlessly plugging away at a retail mega-giant in its various forms witnessing and participating in our insatiable consumption began to feel very wrong, especially with the stark contrasting poverty in our world. My work life felt completely meaningless. My heart and soul empty, unfulfilled. Progressively discontented, my soul screaming at me, "what am I doing with my time, my life's precious moments?!?! I am wasting my life away!! What am I dreaming?!" I was a single dad of two precious lil souls, then 10 and 11 years old, working more to pay more to be with them less made no sense. I transitioned to part time, and into Lindy, a 1979 21 foot RV. My soul was screaming at me for freedom. Eventually unplugging entirely from the matrix, to everyone's appaulment, many accusing me of being a selfish terrible father. But in my heart, it was anything but selfish.  If I didn't follow my heart, what would I be teaching and sharing with my lil gems? A life of unfulfilling monotonous meaningless madness...

* Military Box:




Deprogramming from 12 years of War Machine Indoctrination, growing up idolizing Rambo, Commando, the romanticization of war of "Saving Private Ryan", I fell into our culture's trap.  6 years as a Cavalry Scout, State Soldier of the Year, Airborne, Platoon Top Gunner, Best Scout, Combat Lifesaver, my friends referred to me as Captain America.  Six more years as a Joint Terminal Attack Controller in the Air Guard, fully in it. Believing I was helping alleviate the world of terrorism, bringing democracy, peace and freedom to the oppressed. Full of naive ignorance of the full true picture of what was really happening: the ruling elite Rockefeller Rothschild Morgans, et al., the top 1% controlling politics and how governmental decisions are made and the exploitation of our worlds' resources and human beings.  Me and my naive ignorance enforcing and propagating their agenda of lies: Weapons of Mass Destruction, War on Terror, Imminent Attacks with the façade of bringing justice and democracy. What I witnessed and participated in was full scale occupation domination of Iraq and her citizens. Jumping out of helicopters, surrounding, infiltrating and terrorizing innocent families in their remote humble villages, throwing me back into Jesus' day: simple windowless adobe dwellings with intermittent power and water, sweet little children- my kids' age- playing happily with trash as their toys. Rounding them all up like criminals. Families homes and intimate belongings being ransacked in search of "terrorist paraphernalia". For all intensive purposes- we never found anything. One village even unburied their antiquated rifles upon demand, hoping to never need them again, even with our occupation and terrorization of their homeland. Eye opening for certain. A harsh realization: I was the terrorist conducting false meaningless missions to keep the war machine rolling full stream to control the worlds resources.  Talk about rude awakenings. Believing I was a Jedi keeping peace and balance in the force, awakening to me being a henchman storm trooper for an evil empire.  These realizations and awakenings were unfortunately not instant.  My willingness to see things for what they are, questioning everything, researching deeper. Painful bullets to swallow. I ran away from myself for a long time. Threw away my Iraq journal, boxed up all plaques, awards, decorations, military paraphernalia of every kind, ashamed. What I chose to do with my precious life's moments, with deep regrets I didn't choose something else. Love, Compassion, Empathy.  Realizing we are the human family sharing our one planet, our home and her finite resources.  And she is burning. We are suffering. Needlessly. I am so grateful for this here now moment, awake, intentional. Truly humbled and penitent. With passion in my soul to help each other, to help ourselves, to shake off our trances and indoctrinations. To plant, to sing, play, dance, share, grow, heal, love, laugh. Together. To shift our collective trajectory towards something worthy of us all, it takes US ALL. I invite you to plant seeds for our evolution. Together. It isn't easy, but oh is it worth it!


* Religious Dogmatic Box:


Religion is an incredibly sensitive subject, difficult to know where to dive in without offending anyone, my dear family included.  How divisive religion is, splitting relationships at every level, causing anger, judgments, condemnations, violence, genocide, wars with unfathomable deaths.  In the name of God, Jesus, Allah, or any religious deity. Heartbreaking. Would God, Source, known by any and every name, unconditionally loving, approve of any act other than love? Not in my awakening conscious empathetic heart. I was raised in a conservative christian beautifully hearted family, high morals, community oriented as all religions emulate and strive towards. Why are we all so divided? I have had my fill of blind faith. Blind faith to nothing, question everything to the core of our heart.  Love is my religion, Momma Earth in her majestic splendor is my church. I don't have any care or fear of what happens to my soul when that moment comes. I am here to create and celebrate heaven on earth, here and now. To heal, grow, explore, love. To help each other to do so. To Love and discover myself without end.  To experience and relish in our diversity in its beautiful array of colorful wonder and depth, excited to see God's spark in all her forms. We are the human family sharing this sacred special home we have been blessed with. It is time to hold her closely, heal her and each other from all the hate, hurt, and exploitation while a sliver of hope still exists, if we all work together, I invite you with an open heart to embark on this exciting worthy endeavor. 

Simple Soulution Seeker Permaculture Practitioner

Specializing in Sustainability Utilizing Repurposed Materials

With a Fondness for You! Aspiring Do-It-Yourselfer!!

Matthew Denning     208-695-1580

Brother Jordon


Jordon was called to the Homestead in spring of 2020 after being invited over by a legendary poet that lived in the greenhouse at the time. Musician at heart and electro-acoustic orchestrator by day. You can find him most of his time at the homestead recording in the studio, performing bicycle maintenance, or foraging in the spinach patch listening to community radio. 

And a skosh more about Jordon from Matt's perspective...

I met Jordon initially, six-ish years ago, during an Idaho Band for Peace playful practice session, being drawn to his bright, kind soul, radiating goodness. As he continues to do so, beautifully. As did his vegetable tattoo medley, haha... I admire the way he shares his unfiltered spirit through his music, unique, fearless and free. He is always eager to lend a hand with a project, a community garden endeavor, anyone needing some assistance, Jordon will be found- aside from the spinach patch. A collaborative musician, weaving in and out of many sonic endeavors, his main  musical squeeze is his band OptiFlynn. Been a pleasure to watch him grow and explore himself and the world as a traveling musician electrician in his eclectic lil Ford Transit spacecraft he has brought to life to accommodate  gypsy rubber tramp adventures. Grateful to be able to be creating, playing, exploring this world with you brother. Thank you for your fantasmic electrical expertise with us, helping create, refine, and maximize our solar system. I would have short circuited the whole kit- myself included- without you! So rad to see you create infrastructure and projects from pallets and random material finds. Thank you for sharing You with Us!

Miss Mary Kay

Mary Kay is a passionate, Virgo'd out, advocating force for the marginalized and exploited, the unconforming and unconventional family members, creating inclusion, acceptance, understanding, representation and beyond. She is the mastermind community garden manager at the St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, teaching and mentoring the One Stone students' horticulture program, incorporating and including those she advocates for along with anyone in need and wanting. She is a seed nut junkie, part of the Snake River Seed Cooperative team, networking with local and regional growers, local retailers, more community gardens sharing the prolific abundance, marketing and educating. Add to her overflowing plate, she and Benjamin started the Treasure Valley Community Garden Cooperative ~3 years ago, that aims to assist up and coming community gardens, school gardens, people interested in gardening, victory gardens and more! She is spotted on zoom conference calls, nearly daily, dream weaving in all these aspects with others all over the country. Truly dedicated and passionate soul, thank you for all you do for our world and our home!! 

I first met Mary Kay about 4 years ago at our home when we hosted a Boise EcoVillage Potluck to get the download from team member Joseph, his experience while work-staying at an ecovillage intentional community in Hawaii. Watching Mary Kay so intrigued and interested was a pleasure, I've never seen such a studious note taker! Bumped into her while she was working for a local builder specializing in straw bale construction. When I heard she was looking for a place to stay, I kinda stole her away from another's abode! 🤫

Miss Chloe


Miss Chloe is a super witty and wise powerhouse advocate, mentor and helper bee of the less fortunate community family members. She volunteers regularly at Corpus Christi Refuge for those without a home, assisting with needs, putting out fires and de-escalating emotionally charged volatile situations. She helps the Boise Mutual Aid crew in their myriad endeavors in assisting the marginalized and down and out humans. She recently stepped away from a youth wilderness behavioral therapy program after ~3 years mentoring and teaching troubled and wayward kids, finding herself in leadership roles quickly thanks to her wise and grounded energy and being. She now helps Terry Reilly's endeavors to prevent evictions from occurring, putting out fires, mentoring and assisting above and beyond her job description... She also mentors and assists the Jesuit Volunteer Crew she was once a part of.

She's wicked talented with yarn and crochet hooks, with many a plea from adorers of her creations, one of the most famous being her hooded scarf invention. Our most sought after kitchen knife's edge is a razored delight thanks to her. We now are capable of creating fire the ol fashioned way. She gratefully asked to adopt our kombucha scobie mother and loves on the fam with her delicious sparklie double fermented concoctions, a taste of heaven! And when we've been really good, her muffins are a delight! Thank you for all you do for the human family Chloe, for the Homestead fam!

Miss Sarah

Sarah is a deeply caring, thoughtful soul with big plans to assist reforesting and restoring Momma Earth, helping her heal from our unfortunate destructive ways. While also helping the human family to connect more deeply to ourselves, to one another, to heal from our hurts and traumas, to awaken consciousness, individual and collective. She practices and shares many healing modalities, from cranial sacral body work to energetic healing and cleansing, nutrition wisdom and intuitive readings.

She has been a beautiful host for our AirBnB Guests, sharing her healing gifts, friendship and thoughtful hospitality. She volunteers her time and loving assistance with Mary Kay's community garden endeavors. We will only be blessed by her presence for a short while longer before she ventures off to rubber tramp gypsy van life, exploring herself and the world more deeply. Bless your path and all you encounter...

Thank you Sarah for all your intentions for our world, the human family and our Homestead fam!

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