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Living Simply, that We may All simply Live

Be open and honest with ourselves, aware of our day to day decisions and the ripple effect of these decisions affecting the whole: our planet we share, our human family   and animals being exploited to produce & provide the things we think we 'need'...

Mindful Consumerism

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  • Looking at our choices and habits

  • Educating ourselves where our purchases come from

  • Who do we support with our dollars?

  • Choosing to shop and support hyper local merchants as close to home as possible.

  • Valuing local growers/farmers ethically, responsibly, regeneratively restoring our soils, humanely and lovingly growing and nurturing our food and animals we consume

Saint    Michael and his    Natural Wonders   of Caldwell Idaho

Being good stewards with what we are blessed with

  • Growing your own food in your front & back yard, raising chickens and hosting bees...

  • Getting involved with your neighborhood community gardens, with your HOA to create food forests with your neighborhood family

  • Share your things with your neighborhood family

  • Go without, prioritize needs versus wants

  • Utilize your Library, Tool Library, Time Banking Sharing programs. Create them if they don't exist...


Boise EcoVillage Project family touring Onsen Farm:

learning, sharing, helping, playing, connecting...


Repurposed Awesomeness, Buy Nothing New!

Looking at alternatives to shopping brand new for upcoming projects of any kind, in the garden, home additions, greenhouses, chicken coops, wood sheds, is a beautiful way to save resources and prevent wonderful items from being tossed into a giant hole in the ground when so much life still remains. New building materials costs are skyrocketing, all the more reason to get scrappy!  Looking at our own surplus of materials potentially building up around us, donating them, and finding the things you need, to places like:

  • Second Chance Building Supply

  • Waste Equals Salvaged Materials

  • Habitat for Humanity

  • Craigslist Free Stuff

  • Facebook Market Place

  • Junk Hauler companies that are springing up

  • Pacific Recycling

  • United Metals Recycling

  • Diamond Street Recycling

  • Seek and Discover your local equivalents 

Water,  Truly, Is Life... Mni  Wiconi

Only Three percent of our Earth's water is drinkable... and we flush our sh!t down the toilet with it...

  • Paying deep mindfulness with our water use and consumption in all facets of our life:      in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, in the garden, etc; Place mindful notes on our faucets and mirrors.

  • Installing low flow/restricted flow devices on toilets and shower heads.

  • Timing our    showers

  • Capture the cold water in a bucket as it heats up for a shower or dishwasher load to    top off fish tanks, pet's/chickens' water bowls, watering house plants and our gardens (add your spent   coffee grounds!!) and so much more,    use our imagination!

  • Grey water capture re-purposing: Retrofit your bathroom shower and sink and kitchens' plumbing systems to redirect your bath/laundry/sink water to create wetland habitats and ponds, water your gardens & greenhouse. Remember to switch to soap berries and eco friendly soaps.

  • Rainwater Collection: We live in a desert, being creative how to capture and utilize rain and snow water is incredibly important & very wise. Implement clever    systems with overflows that fill your pond, outdoor shower/bathtub, hydrate garden beds, living walls, pvc planters, animal hydration, etc.

  • Save water by learning and implementing crazy rich Humanure composted fertilizer instead of flushing!

  • Also capturing/diluting 10:1 our nitrogen vitamin rich urine as liquid fertilizer! Gardens love diluted golden yellow showers, free, from You !

  • Incredible resources 


How Do We See Our Spaces?

'Bloom   where we are planted' is deep rich wisdom, wherever we are blessed to hang our hats and rest our vessels each evening. Looking at our abodes, permanent or    vagabond gypsy flavored    in a permaculture perspective will shine vibrant new Life all around you. Slow and steady baby steps towards manifesting your dreams into reality, creating Heaven on Earth, Here and Now, is an incredible wild fulfilling journey...

Where do I begin? Build healthy soil!!!


  • Rich healthy soil is far more useful and valuable than gold, creating the ability to grow our own healthy nutrient dense food of our choice, our own true medicine. Food sovereignty   is a critical facet of real freedom. 

  • Start small, but push yourself a bit to increase your capacity to face and smoothly ride out Life's refining relentless challenges.

  • Enjoy the process of experimenting different garden techniques, you will fail but there's your precious lessons, wisdom gleaned from you being unafraid to try something new.

  • Study, dive into other's wisdom to leapfrog your progress without need for instant perfect results. There's no such thing.

"Nothing is ever Perfect, Nothing is ever Finished, Nothing Lasts Forever. Enjoy  inJoy the Ride".

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